Caleb Fisher

campus minister

Caleb grew up in a Christian home attending church services every Sunday. Though this was the case, he never cared for church and paid no attention to the services. Then, in his junior year of high school, he attended a Younglife camp at Lake Champion. There, he heard the true Gospel for the first time and began questioning if there was something to it.

Over the next year, he tried to change and overcome his hidden, sinful lifestyle by his own strength, with no success. Then, in his senior year, he truly heard the Gospel at camp, and his heart was changed. On the last day of camp, he stood up before the crowd declaring “My name is Caleb Fisher and I gave my life to Christ this week.”

Since then, he has been growing in his faith and knowledge of God in the Scriptures. He attends a church in Brockport, NY, where he has served in ministries at all levels. He has helped teach the young students during Sunday morning service, older students on Sunday evenings, and college students in Bible studies on Friday nights.

Through these service opportunities, he discovered his heart for college ministry and walking with these students in life. He began in Campus One80, seeing it as an opportunity to serve in this way. For this reason, he has set aside schooling for physical therapy to make this ministry his life’s work.

He now resides with his wife, Haley, in Brockport, NY, as he ministers on SUNY Brockport campus. As a part of the only Christian ministry on this campus, he seeks to meet as many students as he can, share the Gospel with them, and disciple them in a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ.