Campus One80 Staff

Britney was raised in a Christian immigrant household from Ghana. Both her parents were Christians and mostly everyone around her was too. When she was 11, she wanted to give her life to Christ, but didn’t really know who Jesus was. She mainly did it because her friends were doing it. After many years without knowing God she began to do a little bit of research on it, but then COVID hit and she felt hopeless. During this time, she felt God calling out to her and she continued her research and finally gave her life to Christ.
After joining Campus One80 as a student in the fall of 2021, she quickly became very active and joined the leadership. She hopes to deepen her relationship with God and to help other students do the same.
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After joining Campus One80 as a student in the fall of 2021, she quickly became very active and joined the leadership. She hopes to deepen her relationship with God and to help other students do the same.
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Britney Acquah

Originally from Nigeria, Kenny’s curious nature, operational expertise, and strategic mindset have coalesced into a unique skillset to assist teams and shift negative dynamics. Kenny is a soccer coach, husband, and father. His enthusiasm for developing and building up others is a perfect fit for campus ministry. With his extensive experience and passion for helping others, Kenny is driven to enable students to create meaningful relationships as they grow their relationship with God.
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Kenny Aderounmu

Ben accepted Christ as his Savior when he was four years old. He spent his early years in Liberia, where his mother served on the missions field until he was seventeen years old. It was shortly after college that he began making his faith his own. Since then, he has grown through church, community groups, accountability, and being surrounded by people who challenge and love him.
Ben and Lexi were married in the summer of 2017, and Ben quickly jumped into assisting Lexi with IT. As Campus One80 grew, Ben began filling needs in the area of Information Technology for the entire ministry and decided to join Campus One80 officially as the IT Administrator. He loves coming up with creative solutions that allow technology to make the ministry run more efficiently.
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Ben and Lexi were married in the summer of 2017, and Ben quickly jumped into assisting Lexi with IT. As Campus One80 grew, Ben began filling needs in the area of Information Technology for the entire ministry and decided to join Campus One80 officially as the IT Administrator. He loves coming up with creative solutions that allow technology to make the ministry run more efficiently.
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Ben Bolding
Volunteer IT Administrator

Lexi has worked with college students since 2004 at both SUNY Brockport and Monroe Community College, where she has focused on building relationships and sharing Jesus with students. Prior to working with Campus One80, Lexi served for 14 years with Campus Ambassadors as a campus director and area director.
She was first drawn to ministry when she witnessed the great spiritual need on campus while attending State University of New York – Brockport. In 2004, she felt God’s call for her to minister on college campuses and began her ministry there. Then in 2007, she planted a campus ministry at Monroe Community College. Lexi loves seeing her students grow in their faith and become passionate about sharing Jesus with their peers.
Lexi committed her life to Christ when she was five years old. In college, she majored in Recreation and Leisure Studies at SUNY Brockport and graduated in May of 2006. Lexi is married to Ben Bolding, and they have a son named Malik.
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She was first drawn to ministry when she witnessed the great spiritual need on campus while attending State University of New York – Brockport. In 2004, she felt God’s call for her to minister on college campuses and began her ministry there. Then in 2007, she planted a campus ministry at Monroe Community College. Lexi loves seeing her students grow in their faith and become passionate about sharing Jesus with their peers.
Lexi committed her life to Christ when she was five years old. In college, she majored in Recreation and Leisure Studies at SUNY Brockport and graduated in May of 2006. Lexi is married to Ben Bolding, and they have a son named Malik.
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Lexi Bolding
Campus Minister

Simone was born in raised in a Christian family. She went to a Christian summer camp starting at eight and committed her life to Christ there at age ten. Throughout high school ,she participated in her church's youth group worship team and became a Christian camp counselor.
She began her time at Campus One80 as a student leader from 2021-2022. As she moved on to get her degree elsewhere, she continued to lead a Christian club at SUNY Niagara. She also participated in a missions trip to Zambia where she grew in her love and passion for Christ.
She returned to Campus One80 following her graduation and is eager to continue serving students and sharing the love of our savior with them.
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She began her time at Campus One80 as a student leader from 2021-2022. As she moved on to get her degree elsewhere, she continued to lead a Christian club at SUNY Niagara. She also participated in a missions trip to Zambia where she grew in her love and passion for Christ.
She returned to Campus One80 following her graduation and is eager to continue serving students and sharing the love of our savior with them.
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Simone Cloutier

Jacob was born and raised in a Christian home with faithful parents who love the Lord. He was saved at the young age of 8. Throughout the years, Jacob always wanted to be a leader–from helping direct VBS and Wednesday night programs to leading worship on Sunday mornings at Yates Baptist Church.
Jacob has always had the gift of singing and it was not till Campus One80 that he realized the impact leading worship could have on people's lives, especially college kids. Jacob truly believes that music fills the spaces that words cannot, and that it is a gateway to allow the Spirit to restore us and an opportunity to worship our Heavenly Father.
Jacob has been a part of MCC Campus One80 for three semesters, two of which he was the worship leader and is looking to plant a Campus One80 at RIT which he will be attending in the fall of 2023. He looks forward to seeing how God will use him to show more of his glory to the students and faculty at RIT.
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Jacob has always had the gift of singing and it was not till Campus One80 that he realized the impact leading worship could have on people's lives, especially college kids. Jacob truly believes that music fills the spaces that words cannot, and that it is a gateway to allow the Spirit to restore us and an opportunity to worship our Heavenly Father.
Jacob has been a part of MCC Campus One80 for three semesters, two of which he was the worship leader and is looking to plant a Campus One80 at RIT which he will be attending in the fall of 2023. He looks forward to seeing how God will use him to show more of his glory to the students and faculty at RIT.
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Jacob Corser

Ethan has been investing in the lives of young adults for Jesus through campus ministry since 2006. He has worked with and directed ministries in Brockport, NY, Minneapolis, MN and Utica, NY. He currently directs our Campus One80 online ministry. Ethan is an exponential leader that has a heart for the next generations as well as a passion to train up new ministers.
Ethan has been walking in his faith with Jesus since he was a boy, growing up in a Christian family. Ethan attended both Christian and public undergraduate universities. While he was a student at the College at Brockport he started working with a campus ministry as an intern while he finished up his studies. He then began working at the college as a computer programmer while continuing to be on staff in campus ministry. A few years later he was challenged to pray about what God might have next in Ethan’s life. He felt called to leave his I.T. job and go to Minneapolis to start a new campus ministry full time at the University of Minnesota. After nine years of ministry in Minnesota, Ethan and his family moved back to central New York to continue working with college students with our online campus ministry.
Ethan is passionate about evangelism and the one on one discipleship and mentoring of young men. Ethan is also involved in the training of our staff in both ministry and support raising.
Ethan holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the College at Brockport and a M.A. in Theological Studies from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
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Ethan is passionate about evangelism and the one on one discipleship and mentoring of young men. Ethan is also involved in the training of our staff in both ministry and support raising.
Ethan holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the College at Brockport and a M.A. in Theological Studies from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
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Ethan Cook
Campus Minister

Alejandra Escobar, originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, grew up in a challenging environment where survival was paramount. Despite not being raised in a Christian home, she found comfort and purpose in faith. Her family, although small, remained united through difficult times, including her father's struggle with schizophrenia. At the age of 10, Alejandra's life changed when she first attended a church with her mother and sister, eventually leading her entire family to embrace their faith. After moving to Rochester, NY, in 2018, she faced challenges in maintaining her faith. She rediscovered her spiritual path at the age of 14 when her dad was completely healed from schizophrenia. By the time she turned 15, Alejandra fully committed her life to God, finding her calling in serving and loving others. Currently a psychology student and a student leader at MCC, she is dedicated to helping other young people find hope and direction through her faith in Jesus.
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Alejandra Escobar

Miguel is a dedicated college student intern at Campus One80, where he actively contributes to fostering a vibrant community of faith and learning. In the first month of his senior year at Nichols, Miguel saw an ad for a worship service on campus. The service was run by Joe Shea and Nate Rybicki, two One80 staff, and it was exactly what Miguel was looking for. Over the course of the fall semester, Miguel continued to attend these services and meet with Joe one on one, talking about faith, life, and Scripture.
In the spring of 2024, Miguel felt a weekly Bible study in the freshman dorms was needed and adopting the school mascot for a name, the “Bison For Christ” Bible Study was born at Nichols. Every Wednesday night, Miguel would lead a Bible Study that would take students, including himself, deeper into the truths found in Scripture. What started as a group of four ended as a group of eight, which was no small feat at a campus that had struggled to retain students since the pandemic. Now on staff, Miguel is excited to continue leading more “bison” to Christ, as well as Co-directing at Worcester State University.
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In the spring of 2024, Miguel felt a weekly Bible study in the freshman dorms was needed and adopting the school mascot for a name, the “Bison For Christ” Bible Study was born at Nichols. Every Wednesday night, Miguel would lead a Bible Study that would take students, including himself, deeper into the truths found in Scripture. What started as a group of four ended as a group of eight, which was no small feat at a campus that had struggled to retain students since the pandemic. Now on staff, Miguel is excited to continue leading more “bison” to Christ, as well as Co-directing at Worcester State University.
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Miguel Figueroa

Caleb grew up in a Christian home attending church services every Sunday. Though this was the case, he never cared for church and paid no attention to the services. Then, in his junior year of high school, he attended a Younglife camp at Lake Champion. There, he heard the true Gospel for the first time and began questioning if there was something to it.
Over the next year, he tried to change and overcome his hidden, sinful lifestyle by his own strength, with no success. Then, in his senior year, he truly heard the Gospel at camp, and his heart was changed. On the last day of camp, he stood up before the crowd declaring “My name is Caleb Fisher and I gave my life to Christ this week.”
Since then, he has been growing in his faith and knowledge of God in the Scriptures. He attends a church in Brockport, NY, where he has served in ministries at all levels. He has helped teach the young students during Sunday morning service, older students on Sunday evenings, and college students in Bible studies on Friday nights.
Through these service opportunities, he discovered his heart for college ministry and walking with these students in life. He began in Campus One80, seeing it as an opportunity to serve in this way. For this reason, he has set aside schooling for physical therapy to make this ministry his life’s work.
He now resides with his wife, Haley, in Brockport, NY, as he ministers on SUNY Brockport campus. As a part of the only Christian ministry on this campus, he seeks to meet as many students as he can, share the Gospel with them, and disciple them in a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ.
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Over the next year, he tried to change and overcome his hidden, sinful lifestyle by his own strength, with no success. Then, in his senior year, he truly heard the Gospel at camp, and his heart was changed. On the last day of camp, he stood up before the crowd declaring “My name is Caleb Fisher and I gave my life to Christ this week.”
Since then, he has been growing in his faith and knowledge of God in the Scriptures. He attends a church in Brockport, NY, where he has served in ministries at all levels. He has helped teach the young students during Sunday morning service, older students on Sunday evenings, and college students in Bible studies on Friday nights.
Through these service opportunities, he discovered his heart for college ministry and walking with these students in life. He began in Campus One80, seeing it as an opportunity to serve in this way. For this reason, he has set aside schooling for physical therapy to make this ministry his life’s work.
He now resides with his wife, Haley, in Brockport, NY, as he ministers on SUNY Brockport campus. As a part of the only Christian ministry on this campus, he seeks to meet as many students as he can, share the Gospel with them, and disciple them in a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ.
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Caleb Fisher
Campus Minister

Melissa graduated from SUNY Brockport in 2020 where she majored in Finance and Accounting. She has been working in ministry ever since, helping different churches and missions reach their full potential by increasing their financial literacy and processes. Because ministries are nonprofits, a lot of work goes into making sure all donations, funds, and dues are paid, looked after, and allocated appropriately. This is Melissa’s specialty.
Melissa lives in Rochester, NY, with her husband Steven and their five pets.
Melissa lives in Rochester, NY, with her husband Steven and their five pets.
Melissa Fudge

Miranda has served as a campus minister, first under Campus Ambassadors and now with Campus One80 since 2011. She began as a student intern and directed a student house near the college. She currently directs the ministry at The College at Brockport, where she was involved as a student. As director, she helps students learn life skills and understand the importance of God in their everyday lives. She aims to build lasting connections with students by showing God’s love and compassion to non-believers and encouraging believers to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
In the summer of 2012, Miranda’s world was shaken after losing a close friend. God used her campus ministry family to encourage her to have faith and trust Him during that difficult time. She completed her Bachelor's in Social Work and is currently working on a seminary degree with a focus in Transformational Leadership, which will aid in creating similar family communities on campus to help college students through the trials life can bring.
Miranda and Walter were married on August 5, 2017, and are excited about what God has for them. Walter sees the importance of Miranda’s ministry and encourages her commitment, seeing college students enter into a relationship with Christ.
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In the summer of 2012, Miranda’s world was shaken after losing a close friend. God used her campus ministry family to encourage her to have faith and trust Him during that difficult time. She completed her Bachelor's in Social Work and is currently working on a seminary degree with a focus in Transformational Leadership, which will aid in creating similar family communities on campus to help college students through the trials life can bring.
Miranda and Walter were married on August 5, 2017, and are excited about what God has for them. Walter sees the importance of Miranda’s ministry and encourages her commitment, seeing college students enter into a relationship with Christ.
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Miranda Garino
Campus Minister

Vinny's heart was captivated by the Lord when he was seven years old, but really made his faith his own at seventeen towards the end of his junior year. His mission and passion are to reach the younger generation and bring peace and love to all the pain and hurt that the youth in this generation are experiencing. He has enjoyed working with young people as a youth leader for the last two years, where he has served in his church's youth group. He has also led in ministry on a few of the church's worships teams for the past five to six years. He is passionate about kids finding their authentic identity in Christ, and he is looking forward to working on campus to impact more lives for Jesus.
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Vincent Gilbert

Zach is a SUNY Brockport graduate with a bachelor's in Computer Information Systems (CIS). He grew up in a Christian home, but he didn't know if he believed in God because of all that he had been through. In early 2021, Zach developed chronic severe chest pain that doctors could not identify the cause of, and no medication helped. The pain took him out of work and college for the year. One day toward the end of that year, after feeling the pain with no relief for over six months, Zach decided to pray desperately to God to heal him, promising to dedicate his life to Christ. Before he finished praying those words, the pain was completely gone without a trace! Since then, Zach has been determined to keep his word and dedicate his life to Christ, and he felt the Lord call him into Campus Ministry at SUNY Brockport. Because of his CIS degree, he has honed his skills in team management and meeting people where they are.
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Zach Glidden

Lorden was raised in a Christian household, but the depth of Christ's significance eluded her, leading her to a superficial connection at the age of 8. Despite the routine, her relationship with Him felt distant. For years, she wandered, seeking fulfillment in worldly pursuits, unaware of God's patient presence. In 2022, His subtle revelations illuminated her path, reminding her of His enduring companionship. This awakening led to a profound understanding of Christ, prompting her to wholeheartedly surrender her life to Him.
In the spring of 2023, she embraced a transformative journey within Campus One80 at MCC, driven by the desire to strengthen her faith, foster meaningful connections, and find unwavering encouragement in her walk with Christ. Her aspiration is not only to enrich her own spiritual path but also to inspire and uplift fellow MCC students, fostering a community where faith blossoms and hearts are united in purpose.
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In the spring of 2023, she embraced a transformative journey within Campus One80 at MCC, driven by the desire to strengthen her faith, foster meaningful connections, and find unwavering encouragement in her walk with Christ. Her aspiration is not only to enrich her own spiritual path but also to inspire and uplift fellow MCC students, fostering a community where faith blossoms and hearts are united in purpose.
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Lorden Grant

David grew up in a Christian household. His father is the pastor of a church, and his family is very active in community and church activities.
David gave his life to Christ at around 5 years old, although he felt he didn’t really understand who God really was. Recently he has rejuvenated his relationship with God and is serving at his home church and with Campus One80.
David is attending MCC for Sports Management and will be on their baseball team. David hopes to use his passion for sports and God to fuel the fire for young athletes.
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David gave his life to Christ at around 5 years old, although he felt he didn’t really understand who God really was. Recently he has rejuvenated his relationship with God and is serving at his home church and with Campus One80.
David is attending MCC for Sports Management and will be on their baseball team. David hopes to use his passion for sports and God to fuel the fire for young athletes.
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David Graziano

Daniel began serving in April 2016 at Monroe Community College (MCC) in Rochester, New York. He felt a burden for the students on the campus as soon as he walked into the doors of MCC. He was volunteered by his older brother to be a student leader the very first day Daniel attended the local campus ministry meeting, and he has not turned back since.
Daniel was saved at a young age and has attended church his whole life, but he became complacent. In middle and high school, he “wore masks” to try to get by as easily as possible. While attending the campus ministry, however, he faced the reality that this was not the way God designed him to live, and that it was destructive to himself and to others. Today, he seeks to serve Christ and others and wishes to share his story and his faith with everyone on campus and see them experience Christ in the same way he did.
Daniel has a rich family heritage of serving in ministry, including his parents and grandparents, who helped to plant churches when he was younger, and his brother, who is currently heavily involved with a church ministering in the city of Rochester. His family continues to support his faith journey in becoming closer to Christ and more like Him.
“God’s plan will come to fruition no matter what happens. That includes if I want to be a part of it or not, so it is up to me to decide if I want to be an active participant in His plan.” Daniel believes that God’s plans are superior to his own and chooses to follow them.
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Daniel was saved at a young age and has attended church his whole life, but he became complacent. In middle and high school, he “wore masks” to try to get by as easily as possible. While attending the campus ministry, however, he faced the reality that this was not the way God designed him to live, and that it was destructive to himself and to others. Today, he seeks to serve Christ and others and wishes to share his story and his faith with everyone on campus and see them experience Christ in the same way he did.
Daniel has a rich family heritage of serving in ministry, including his parents and grandparents, who helped to plant churches when he was younger, and his brother, who is currently heavily involved with a church ministering in the city of Rochester. His family continues to support his faith journey in becoming closer to Christ and more like Him.
“God’s plan will come to fruition no matter what happens. That includes if I want to be a part of it or not, so it is up to me to decide if I want to be an active participant in His plan.” Daniel believes that God’s plans are superior to his own and chooses to follow them.
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Dan Keister

At a very young age, Jaylyn grew up with the concept of God in her home. She began attending church with her family at the age of 8, where she really began to hear the Gospel. At the age 13, she committed her life to Christ. By 19-years-old, she began serving in her youth ministry at her church, which helped provide clarity in what God wanted her to do. She began college soon after and began looking for ways to serve on her campus. Jaylyn became involved in Campus One80 at Monroe Community College after attending their weekly Bible study. She was able to get a feel of what the ministry was about and felt led to begin serving on their leadership team there in various ways. She has a heart for students and wants to see their lives transformed with the Gospel of Christ.
Jaylyn is currently attending Howard University and is working with a college pastor leading Bible studies.
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Jaylyn is currently attending Howard University and is working with a college pastor leading Bible studies.
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Jaylyn Hill

Alisha Masson’s journey in ministry began the moment she was born. She was fortunate to grow up in a home filled with devoted followers of Christ. From a young age, she believed in God and acknowledged Jesus Christ, but she didn’t have a personal relationship with Him. It was like being a ship with a broken compass, adrift and uncertain, following the crowd and making choices that sabotaged her own path.
During her freshman year of college, Alisha tried to pull herself together in the spring semester but quickly lost her way again. This cycle continued until the end of her sophomore year. Looking back on the years between her senior year of high school and sophomore year of college, she realized that filling the emptiness inside her with drinking, drugs, and lukewarm relationships only made things worse. It left her feeling even more disconnected from God.
At 21 years old, in late June of 2024, Alisha made the life-changing decision to give her life to Christ. That was the moment she truly began to live. As time passed, her relationship with God grew deeper. She experienced His love and saw Him work in miraculous ways in her life. It became clear to her that she had been chosen by God from the very beginning.
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During her freshman year of college, Alisha tried to pull herself together in the spring semester but quickly lost her way again. This cycle continued until the end of her sophomore year. Looking back on the years between her senior year of high school and sophomore year of college, she realized that filling the emptiness inside her with drinking, drugs, and lukewarm relationships only made things worse. It left her feeling even more disconnected from God.
At 21 years old, in late June of 2024, Alisha made the life-changing decision to give her life to Christ. That was the moment she truly began to live. As time passed, her relationship with God grew deeper. She experienced His love and saw Him work in miraculous ways in her life. It became clear to her that she had been chosen by God from the very beginning.
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Alisha Masson

Once Kayla Matthews realized the truth and love of Jesus Christ, she wanted to spread it to everyone. She found the greatest need was in the hearts of young adults and was delighted to discover that Campus One80 existed to meet this need. After her first year at the Monroe Community College campus, she experienced God’s love through the ministry and felt God calling her to become an intern to help future students have the same experience.
Her favorite part in ministry is being able to address real struggles that students go through by using the truth of God’s word and be a living example of it. Being able to share practical ways with students on how to overcome temptations of this world, strengthen their personal relationships with God, or to see Him in their everyday lives gets her excited to plan bible studies or retreats for them. She enjoys not only helping them learn from the Lord, but to grow in her life along with them.
Raised in a Christ-based home, Kayla was brought up to know His love. However, it was not until high school that she became fully aware of His love for her and she personally accepted Jesus Christ into her life. Although, after this decision, her relationship with him that did not seem to grow much until she went to college. During a campus ministry retreat worship service, Kayla experienced God in a way that she never had before, and His presence hasn’t left her life since. She plans to grow, serve, and live the rest of her life for Christ.
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Her favorite part in ministry is being able to address real struggles that students go through by using the truth of God’s word and be a living example of it. Being able to share practical ways with students on how to overcome temptations of this world, strengthen their personal relationships with God, or to see Him in their everyday lives gets her excited to plan bible studies or retreats for them. She enjoys not only helping them learn from the Lord, but to grow in her life along with them.
Raised in a Christ-based home, Kayla was brought up to know His love. However, it was not until high school that she became fully aware of His love for her and she personally accepted Jesus Christ into her life. Although, after this decision, her relationship with him that did not seem to grow much until she went to college. During a campus ministry retreat worship service, Kayla experienced God in a way that she never had before, and His presence hasn’t left her life since. She plans to grow, serve, and live the rest of her life for Christ.
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Kayla Matthews
Campus Minister

Steve has an enthusiasm for mentoring and making disciples of Christ among young adults and enjoys teaching and small group ministry. His college years (1977-81) included time in fellowship with a ministry group on the SUNY Brockport campus, which influenced a calling to teaching and mentoring with young adults in his church.
Returning to SUNY Brockport in 2002 as a second-degree student, Steve began volunteering with the Brockport Campus Ambassadors (now Campus One80) group. He taught Bible studies, presented at club meetings, and counseled/mentored students. As his full-time employment came to an end, he has been drawn to ministry with young adults in general and to the Brockport campus in particular.
In addition to his teaching and campus ministry, Steve has been an elder at his local church for over 35 years. He has been married 47 years to Linda (aka the Cookie Lady), and they have four children and 18 grandchildren.
Steve has a B.S. in Chemistry and a second B.S. in Computer Science, both from SUNY Brockport. He is currently enrolled in the Lifelong Learning program.
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Returning to SUNY Brockport in 2002 as a second-degree student, Steve began volunteering with the Brockport Campus Ambassadors (now Campus One80) group. He taught Bible studies, presented at club meetings, and counseled/mentored students. As his full-time employment came to an end, he has been drawn to ministry with young adults in general and to the Brockport campus in particular.
In addition to his teaching and campus ministry, Steve has been an elder at his local church for over 35 years. He has been married 47 years to Linda (aka the Cookie Lady), and they have four children and 18 grandchildren.
Steve has a B.S. in Chemistry and a second B.S. in Computer Science, both from SUNY Brockport. He is currently enrolled in the Lifelong Learning program.
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Steve Miller

Michael has served as a campus minister since 2015. He is currently serving with Campus One80 in Rochester, New York.
Michael did not know Christ and His real friendship until his first year of high school. Before that, he did not understand why his parents even went to church. When he was introduced to a youth group ministry at a local church, he was welcomed warmly by two youth leaders. They shared their friendship and the Gospel with him. It was at youth group that Michael saw how amazing it was that Jesus forgives sins, and he wanted to be part of that.
After personally experiencing how ministry can change lives, he wanted to be in the ministry. After going to Houghton College to get a BA in Education Ministries/Bible and after two youth director jobs in the church, he joined campus ministry.
Michael is one of four siblings: a younger sister and brother, Elizabeth and Nathan, and an older sister, Andrea. His parents are currently running a gymnastics gym called The Victors Gym.
Michael and Lynn-Li were married on October 3, 2015 and have two sons.
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Michael did not know Christ and His real friendship until his first year of high school. Before that, he did not understand why his parents even went to church. When he was introduced to a youth group ministry at a local church, he was welcomed warmly by two youth leaders. They shared their friendship and the Gospel with him. It was at youth group that Michael saw how amazing it was that Jesus forgives sins, and he wanted to be part of that.
After personally experiencing how ministry can change lives, he wanted to be in the ministry. After going to Houghton College to get a BA in Education Ministries/Bible and after two youth director jobs in the church, he joined campus ministry.
Michael is one of four siblings: a younger sister and brother, Elizabeth and Nathan, and an older sister, Andrea. His parents are currently running a gymnastics gym called The Victors Gym.
Michael and Lynn-Li were married on October 3, 2015 and have two sons.
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Mike Mordenga
Campus Minister

Diane has worked at Monroe Community College for 20 years as a Sr. Technical Assistant for Academic Services and can be found at the circulation desk at the Brighton Campus library. She currently is the Campus One80 faculty advisor supporting the organization’s activities, events, and retreats. Diane has served as a faculty advisor MCC for 15 years with Campus One80, and before that Outdoor Activities Club, Intervarsity, Basic and Campus Crusade for Christ. She considers herself a “spiritual mother” as she loves to build people up in their faith, coaching them and guiding them to know their identity in Jesus.
Diane has served many roles in her church and community including, swim instructor, coach for multiple sports, children’s church, multimedia, and as the hospitality coordinator. She is inspired by the authentic, friendly staff and meaningful and helpful Bible studies that the Campus One80 ministry has brought to MCC. She is a fervent believer in the power of prayer.
Diane is married to Steve Gates and lives in Chili, NY with her Boston Terriers. She loves the number three! She has three sons, and a daughter, two step daughters, three grandsons, and three granddaughters. Diane is attending Northeastern Seminary and is a graduate of St. John Fisher College where she studied Human Resource Development, and has a bachelors in Communications/Journalism.
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Diane has served many roles in her church and community including, swim instructor, coach for multiple sports, children’s church, multimedia, and as the hospitality coordinator. She is inspired by the authentic, friendly staff and meaningful and helpful Bible studies that the Campus One80 ministry has brought to MCC. She is a fervent believer in the power of prayer.
Diane is married to Steve Gates and lives in Chili, NY with her Boston Terriers. She loves the number three! She has three sons, and a daughter, two step daughters, three grandsons, and three granddaughters. Diane is attending Northeastern Seminary and is a graduate of St. John Fisher College where she studied Human Resource Development, and has a bachelors in Communications/Journalism.
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Diane Navarro

From a young age, Isabelle’s Presbyterian upbringing instilled in her a deep sense of service and generosity, shaping her heart for ministry. She believes that individual spiritual growth is foundational to living a life with Jesus, a choice that must be made daily.
As a recent graduate of Roberts Wesleyan University’s BSN program, Isabelle witnessed Campus One80’s nurturing environment and the impact it had on students. Following God’s direction, she hopes to fill the administrative need for Campus One80’s ministry at RIT, where her fiancé, William, is currently a student. Isabelle brings vital organizational and leadership skills to this role, allowing her to effectively support the ministry’s mission.
She looks forward to walking alongside students as they explore their faith and purpose, creating a space where they feel supported, challenged, and connected as individual children of God. Isabelle firmly believes that every student has the potential to make a lasting impact, and her goal is to create a welcoming environment where students feel supported, challenged, and inspired in their spiritual journey.
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As a recent graduate of Roberts Wesleyan University’s BSN program, Isabelle witnessed Campus One80’s nurturing environment and the impact it had on students. Following God’s direction, she hopes to fill the administrative need for Campus One80’s ministry at RIT, where her fiancé, William, is currently a student. Isabelle brings vital organizational and leadership skills to this role, allowing her to effectively support the ministry’s mission.
She looks forward to walking alongside students as they explore their faith and purpose, creating a space where they feel supported, challenged, and connected as individual children of God. Isabelle firmly believes that every student has the potential to make a lasting impact, and her goal is to create a welcoming environment where students feel supported, challenged, and inspired in their spiritual journey.
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Isabelle Nokland

Val has worked with college students in campus ministry since 1979. She has ministered at Northern Arizona University, St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, the Harvard Graduate Schools, Worcester State University, Quinsigamond Community College and Nichols College in Massachusetts.
Before coming to Campus One80, she served with Campus Ambassadors as a national resource leader, a Regional Campus Specialist, Director of Campus Ministries and on the Executive Leadership Team of Missions Door. Val now serves as President Emeritus of Campus One80 Ministries, Inc.
Val grew up in an atheistic home. At age 12, while visiting her Christian grandparents, she accepted Christ. Later, while attending Northern Arizona University, Val served in her campus ministry’s student leadership. She is married to Steve Nordbye, and has two children, Erik and Kari and a wonderful daughter-in-law Diane.
Val holds a: M.A. in Biblical Studies from Denver Seminary and a D. Min in Servant Leadership for Team and Organizational Effectiveness from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
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Before coming to Campus One80, she served with Campus Ambassadors as a national resource leader, a Regional Campus Specialist, Director of Campus Ministries and on the Executive Leadership Team of Missions Door. Val now serves as President Emeritus of Campus One80 Ministries, Inc.
Val grew up in an atheistic home. At age 12, while visiting her Christian grandparents, she accepted Christ. Later, while attending Northern Arizona University, Val served in her campus ministry’s student leadership. She is married to Steve Nordbye, and has two children, Erik and Kari and a wonderful daughter-in-law Diane.
Val holds a: M.A. in Biblical Studies from Denver Seminary and a D. Min in Servant Leadership for Team and Organizational Effectiveness from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
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Val Nordbye
President Emeritus

Daniel has been in college ministry since 2013. Between the both of them, he and his wife, Stephanie, have worked at three different campuses together and currently direct ministry at Linn-Benton Community College. Daniel has been a Christian his whole life and has wanted to be a missionary since he was
eight. When he was 13 he began trying to challenge himself and other believers to understand Scripture better.
Upon meeting Stephanie who had been involved with campus ministry for a couple months, Daniel started raising support in Georgia before taking a leap of faith and moving to Oregon with what he could fit in a two door Chevy Cobalt. Having seen first hand how many of his friends stopped attending church and how faith tends to take a back seat for many after graduating high school.
Daniel has since felt a strong call to build communities that young adults want to be part of, where they meet Jesus and invite others along for the journey. He is passionate about reaching out to the increasing number of young adults who have no natural communities or support systems in their lives, and helping them get connected to a place where they are loved and can develop skills that will help them for the rest of their lives. Since getting married in 2015, Daniel and Stephanie have had three boys. Both of them seek to work together to set an example for believers and use their talents to show Christ’s love further God’s Kingdom.
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Upon meeting Stephanie who had been involved with campus ministry for a couple months, Daniel started raising support in Georgia before taking a leap of faith and moving to Oregon with what he could fit in a two door Chevy Cobalt. Having seen first hand how many of his friends stopped attending church and how faith tends to take a back seat for many after graduating high school.
Daniel has since felt a strong call to build communities that young adults want to be part of, where they meet Jesus and invite others along for the journey. He is passionate about reaching out to the increasing number of young adults who have no natural communities or support systems in their lives, and helping them get connected to a place where they are loved and can develop skills that will help them for the rest of their lives. Since getting married in 2015, Daniel and Stephanie have had three boys. Both of them seek to work together to set an example for believers and use their talents to show Christ’s love further God’s Kingdom.
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Daniel Pace

Stephanie has worked in college ministry since 2013. She was recruited at Chemeketa Community College with Campus Ambassadors and interned there, Oregon State University, and Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC). Which is where she and her husband Daniel direct the ministry.
She first had a desire to be a missionary when she was five years old. She thought initially that would be Africa, but God had other plans. She went to Chemeketa Community College and connected with a college minister her second year. They had a conversation about joining the group and she was hesitant, due to being committed to serving in other areas of the community. She ended up meeting with him and knew that God wanted her to take part of the mission to the campus. She then was offered an internship at OSU and knew that God was changing her direction. After a year she had a longing to go back and serve at a Community College. She and her soon-to-be husband were placed at LBCC to direct the ministry. She and Daniel have three beautiful boys. They both love working together and try to live out the Gospel in their marriage, family, and individual lives to set an example for the students in hopes that some may want to make Jesus Lord of their lives.
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She first had a desire to be a missionary when she was five years old. She thought initially that would be Africa, but God had other plans. She went to Chemeketa Community College and connected with a college minister her second year. They had a conversation about joining the group and she was hesitant, due to being committed to serving in other areas of the community. She ended up meeting with him and knew that God wanted her to take part of the mission to the campus. She then was offered an internship at OSU and knew that God was changing her direction. After a year she had a longing to go back and serve at a Community College. She and her soon-to-be husband were placed at LBCC to direct the ministry. She and Daniel have three beautiful boys. They both love working together and try to live out the Gospel in their marriage, family, and individual lives to set an example for the students in hopes that some may want to make Jesus Lord of their lives.
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Stephanie Pace
Campus Minister

Amber accepted Christ into her life as a young child. Her grandparents brought her regularly to Hilton Baptist Church in Rochester, NY, where they attended faithfully for years. Throughout her life she has learned to put her trust in the Lord and fully rely on him in difficult times. Amber currently serves as the youth group leader at her church and sings in the choir.
After graduating high school, Amber decided that she would attend a college close to home and started at SUNY Brockport, where she studied nursing with a minor in music.
While trying to adjust to a new schedule, a new setting, and new friends, she discovered a Christian club on campus. She started becoming more involved within Campus One80 by attending service projects, mission trips, and just spending more time with the Lord. It was within this time that Amber found that she had a passion for college students and decided to intern with Campus One80. She continues to volunteer with the ministry now that she has graduated from college and is serving as a nurse in the Rochester community.
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After graduating high school, Amber decided that she would attend a college close to home and started at SUNY Brockport, where she studied nursing with a minor in music.
While trying to adjust to a new schedule, a new setting, and new friends, she discovered a Christian club on campus. She started becoming more involved within Campus One80 by attending service projects, mission trips, and just spending more time with the Lord. It was within this time that Amber found that she had a passion for college students and decided to intern with Campus One80. She continues to volunteer with the ministry now that she has graduated from college and is serving as a nurse in the Rochester community.
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Amber Phillips

Growing close to God through meaningful relationships and service opportunities as a teenager inspired Jeff Pilger to begin exploring a life of ministry. Volunteering with Children’s ministries and leading school bible studies were a few things that would eventually lead him to the mission’s field where he first felt the call to ministry.
Jeff served as the pastor of student ministries at Journey Christian Church for 10 years. His focus on relationships and discipleship connected him with students, their families and other local church leaders. He now serves as the youth director at Faith Church in Bellefonte PA, and is planting a Campus One80 club on a campus in PA.
Jeff’s heart for people is for spiritual, familial and emotional health, through a dynamic and vibrant relationship with God. In joining the Campus One80 team at Monroe Community College, Jeff is excited to build relationships, share the gospel and disciple new believers and this generation of new church leaders.
Jeff was raised to know Jesus by his Christian Father who brought him to church faithfully as a boy. A Christian work camp led to great Christian friendships, a love for serving people and a heart for ministry.
“I came here to study the Bible, not meet attractive women,” was Jeff’s first thought of his future wife, Asia in 2001. After dating long distance while Jeff attended Bible college, they were married in January of 2005. About 10 months later their daughter Allison was born. Their son, Liam, was born in 2010. Being a young family on a budget, Jeff and Asia prayerfully planned on not having any other children. God, though had much different ideas for them and in 2018, Lauren was born.
Jeff has a B.S. in church ministries with an emphasis on youth from Cairn University in Philadelphia, PA.
He has furthered his ministry education through Jeanne Mayo’s Cadre, a youth leader coaching ministry.
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Jeff served as the pastor of student ministries at Journey Christian Church for 10 years. His focus on relationships and discipleship connected him with students, their families and other local church leaders. He now serves as the youth director at Faith Church in Bellefonte PA, and is planting a Campus One80 club on a campus in PA.
Jeff’s heart for people is for spiritual, familial and emotional health, through a dynamic and vibrant relationship with God. In joining the Campus One80 team at Monroe Community College, Jeff is excited to build relationships, share the gospel and disciple new believers and this generation of new church leaders.
Jeff was raised to know Jesus by his Christian Father who brought him to church faithfully as a boy. A Christian work camp led to great Christian friendships, a love for serving people and a heart for ministry.
“I came here to study the Bible, not meet attractive women,” was Jeff’s first thought of his future wife, Asia in 2001. After dating long distance while Jeff attended Bible college, they were married in January of 2005. About 10 months later their daughter Allison was born. Their son, Liam, was born in 2010. Being a young family on a budget, Jeff and Asia prayerfully planned on not having any other children. God, though had much different ideas for them and in 2018, Lauren was born.
Jeff has a B.S. in church ministries with an emphasis on youth from Cairn University in Philadelphia, PA.
He has furthered his ministry education through Jeanne Mayo’s Cadre, a youth leader coaching ministry.
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Jeff Pilger
Campus Minister

Marleese began serving as a campus ministry intern in June 2017 at Monroe Community College in Rochester, New York. She transferred to SUNY Brockport in August 2018 and graduated in 2020. She has now returned to Monroe Community College, where she leads a team to plan events, build community, and mentor individual students to help them grow closer to Jesus. She is also involved in ministry in various capacities at other campuses both in Rochester and in the Worcester, MA area.
Marleese was born to Christian parents. She grew up hearing the gospel and was heavily involved in the church. Having always believed in Jesus, she decided at age 14 to commit her life to Him.
When she began college, Marleese first got involved with campus ministry somewhat reluctantly, but she quickly found that she loved the community it provided. Throughout her teenage years, she felt God was calling her to be a missionary. It wasn’t until her second year of college, with the help of a friend, that she realized the mission God was currently calling her to was right in front of her on local college campuses. Throughout college, she constantly wished she had more time to devote to ministry, so after graduation it seemed like going into full-time ministry was the natural thing for her to do.
Marleese met her husband, Nate, through working at Campus One80. They were married in July 2024 and live just outside of Rochester in Hilton, NY.
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Marleese was born to Christian parents. She grew up hearing the gospel and was heavily involved in the church. Having always believed in Jesus, she decided at age 14 to commit her life to Him.
When she began college, Marleese first got involved with campus ministry somewhat reluctantly, but she quickly found that she loved the community it provided. Throughout her teenage years, she felt God was calling her to be a missionary. It wasn’t until her second year of college, with the help of a friend, that she realized the mission God was currently calling her to was right in front of her on local college campuses. Throughout college, she constantly wished she had more time to devote to ministry, so after graduation it seemed like going into full-time ministry was the natural thing for her to do.
Marleese met her husband, Nate, through working at Campus One80. They were married in July 2024 and live just outside of Rochester in Hilton, NY.
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Marleese Rybicki
Campus Minister

Nate grew up in a Christian household, with his parents being active in the church. When he was a teenager the church that he was going to closed. Within a year of no longer attending church, he began to go down the wrong path. By the time he was 18 he wasn’t living a Christian lifestyle anymore, and had fallen into the ways of the world. As a result of this he went through years of suffering, hardship, and being spiritually lost.
While in college he decided to buy a study Bible, because he thought it would help him answer questions that he had about Christianity. It helped him answer some of his questions, but still left him with others. That fall while attending Quinsigamond Community College he saw a flyer for a Bible Study with Campus One80. He thought it would be a good way to have his questions answered, so he started going to the studies.
Over time he went from a sceptic who had questions, to a believer who was now answering other student’s questions. He came back to Christ through the ministry of One80 and the local church that the ministry connected him to. Nate began an internship with Campus One80 while he was a student in Massachusetts, helping to plant a ministry at Worcester State University and also ministering at Quinsigamond Community College and Nichols College. Nate is now ministering at Genesee Community College in Batavia, NY.
Nate met his wife Marleese through working at Campus One80. They were married in July 2024 and live just outside of Rochester in Hilton, NY.
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While in college he decided to buy a study Bible, because he thought it would help him answer questions that he had about Christianity. It helped him answer some of his questions, but still left him with others. That fall while attending Quinsigamond Community College he saw a flyer for a Bible Study with Campus One80. He thought it would be a good way to have his questions answered, so he started going to the studies.
Over time he went from a sceptic who had questions, to a believer who was now answering other student’s questions. He came back to Christ through the ministry of One80 and the local church that the ministry connected him to. Nate began an internship with Campus One80 while he was a student in Massachusetts, helping to plant a ministry at Worcester State University and also ministering at Quinsigamond Community College and Nichols College. Nate is now ministering at Genesee Community College in Batavia, NY.
Nate met his wife Marleese through working at Campus One80. They were married in July 2024 and live just outside of Rochester in Hilton, NY.
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Nate Rybicki
Campus Minister

Brianna grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ at a young age. Brianna reflects that God has walked through every season of her life with her, the highest highs and the lowest lows. He has been her source of strength, peace, and wisdom through it all. So much so that she can’t imagine having to walk through this life without the knowledge of God by her side, and the assurance that comes from that. Brianna has a strong desire for every person to know that God loves them and is with them always. She considers every opportunity to share God’s love and the truth of the Gospel a precious gift. Therefore, in 2022 she applied to serve alongside her husband, Joshua Roselund, to minister together at Roberts Wesleyan University. Their goal is for every student to come to know God and develop a life-long relationship with him.
Brianna enjoys serving, teaching, organizing and planning events, leading students in small group settings, and just loving students. She is excited to continue doing these things as well as opening her home to college students and supporting them in a critical season of life. She and her husband get to show students God’s love in practical ways and teach them the truth of the Gospel. It is her hope that her marriage, and parenting, will also be an encouragement and role model for students.
Brianna has a B.S. in Childhood Education and TESOL Education (K-12) from Roberts Wesleyan University, as well as a M.Ed. in Higher Education and Educational Leadership from Liberty University. In addition to volunteering with Campus One80, she currently teaches English as a New Language full time at Greece Arcadia Middle School and is an adjunct professor for Roberts Wesleyan University.
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Brianna enjoys serving, teaching, organizing and planning events, leading students in small group settings, and just loving students. She is excited to continue doing these things as well as opening her home to college students and supporting them in a critical season of life. She and her husband get to show students God’s love in practical ways and teach them the truth of the Gospel. It is her hope that her marriage, and parenting, will also be an encouragement and role model for students.
Brianna has a B.S. in Childhood Education and TESOL Education (K-12) from Roberts Wesleyan University, as well as a M.Ed. in Higher Education and Educational Leadership from Liberty University. In addition to volunteering with Campus One80, she currently teaches English as a New Language full time at Greece Arcadia Middle School and is an adjunct professor for Roberts Wesleyan University.
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Brianna Roselund

Josh has been serving full-time with Campus One80 since the summer of 2020, driven by a passion for building deep relationships, leading people to God through music, and encouraging personal faith journeys. He started this mission at Monroe Community College in Fall 2021 and completed his training by Spring 2022, preparing to plant a new ministry. That summer, he was invited to lead a Campus One80 group at Roberts Wesleyan University, his alma mater where he graduated in 2018 with a B.A. in Religion and Philosophy. Since Fall 2022, Josh has been directing the ministry, where he’s seen the impact of fostering long-term relationships and guiding people closer to Jesus.
Josh is married to Brianna, who also volunteers for the ministry, and they have two children, Olivia (born January 2022) and Cooper (born February 2024).
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Josh is married to Brianna, who also volunteers for the ministry, and they have two children, Olivia (born January 2022) and Cooper (born February 2024).
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Josh Roselund
Campus Minister

Joe has a passion for evangelism, storytelling, leading Bible studies and developing apologetics to reach the next generation. In addition to Joe’s ministry on campus, he also pastors a local church in the town of North Brookfield, MA.
He enjoys speaking at churches, retreats and conferences, teaching how to share Jesus with this generation. Joe is a great storyteller and uses story to communicate the gospel. He has also ministered at numerous coffeehouses in the New England area, combining music with the message of the Gospel.
Joe and Annie became Christians in their 20’s. When Joe, as a lay minister, working full-time as an engineer, attended his first retreat with college students and heard students share hurts, doubts, and brokenness, he knew in his heart he was seeing “a generation in need.”
This and other experiences led Joe to the conviction that he was being called to minister and share Jesus to this generation in need. In January of 2018, after serving full-time sharing his faith on campuses full time for close to twenty-years, Joe began a new role, pastoring a local church, while still remaining on campus part-time with Campus One80. Joe now serves on the campus of Nichols College and continues to provide oversight, training and assistance to staff in the Northeast.
Joe and Annie were married in 1984. They have four adult sons and one granddaughter!
Education M.A. in Business and Administration M.A. Theological Studies
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He enjoys speaking at churches, retreats and conferences, teaching how to share Jesus with this generation. Joe is a great storyteller and uses story to communicate the gospel. He has also ministered at numerous coffeehouses in the New England area, combining music with the message of the Gospel.
Joe and Annie became Christians in their 20’s. When Joe, as a lay minister, working full-time as an engineer, attended his first retreat with college students and heard students share hurts, doubts, and brokenness, he knew in his heart he was seeing “a generation in need.”
This and other experiences led Joe to the conviction that he was being called to minister and share Jesus to this generation in need. In January of 2018, after serving full-time sharing his faith on campuses full time for close to twenty-years, Joe began a new role, pastoring a local church, while still remaining on campus part-time with Campus One80. Joe now serves on the campus of Nichols College and continues to provide oversight, training and assistance to staff in the Northeast.
Joe and Annie were married in 1984. They have four adult sons and one granddaughter!
Education M.A. in Business and Administration M.A. Theological Studies
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Joe Shea
Campus Minister

Samuel serves as an intern with Campus One80 and is thankful God pointed him to the ministry because of the impact it has had on his life. He has developed many relationships through the campus ministry that have encouraged him in his walk with Christ, and he hopes to be able to do the same for others. Samuel sees the need of college students to be exposed to the truth of the Gospel, and this has led him to continue in the ministry and become a part-time minister through Campus One80.
Samuel was born and raised in a Christian home and attended church all his life, but he didn’t truly accept Jesus as his personal Savior until he was a sophomore in high school. It was not until he started attending Campus One80 at Monroe Community College that he discovered what it really meant to follow Jesus Christ and what Christ’s direction for his life was. His faith has been molded, challenged, and grown through the support of his wife, Arianna, and his fellow staff in Campus One80.
Samuel grew up in a home where he was constantly encouraged to grow in his relationship with his Savior and, as a adult, that is something he is seeking to model with his wife, Arianna, in their own family. He is excited to continue sharing Jesus at Monroe Community College and at whatever other campus God may lead him.
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Samuel was born and raised in a Christian home and attended church all his life, but he didn’t truly accept Jesus as his personal Savior until he was a sophomore in high school. It was not until he started attending Campus One80 at Monroe Community College that he discovered what it really meant to follow Jesus Christ and what Christ’s direction for his life was. His faith has been molded, challenged, and grown through the support of his wife, Arianna, and his fellow staff in Campus One80.
Samuel grew up in a home where he was constantly encouraged to grow in his relationship with his Savior and, as a adult, that is something he is seeking to model with his wife, Arianna, in their own family. He is excited to continue sharing Jesus at Monroe Community College and at whatever other campus God may lead him.
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Sam Spragins
Campus Minister

Carrie has been passionate about ministering to college students since 1996. She brings more than two decades of leadership, fundraising, strategic planning, and teaching experience to this role. She previously served as the Director of Advancement for Northeastern Seminary, Assistant Professor of Leadership & Innovation at Roberts Wesleyan University, and Eastern Regional Specialist of Campus Ambassadors Christian Fellowship.
Carrie earned a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership, Scripture, and Spirituality & a Master’s in Theological and Ministerial Studies from Northeastern Seminary. She was named a 2021 Rochester Business Journal “Woman of Excellence,“ which recognizes high-achieving women for their career accomplishments, community involvement, and commitment to mentorship. Carrie has served on the Board of Directors for Campus One80 since 2018.
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Carrie earned a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership, Scripture, and Spirituality & a Master’s in Theological and Ministerial Studies from Northeastern Seminary. She was named a 2021 Rochester Business Journal “Woman of Excellence,“ which recognizes high-achieving women for their career accomplishments, community involvement, and commitment to mentorship. Carrie has served on the Board of Directors for Campus One80 since 2018.
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Carrie Starr

Shelby found Christ at the very young age of four and has always loved being a part of the Church. For many years she faced people who judged her based on external factors, making it hard to find community and peace. However, she persevered and continued to search for a body of Believers who accepted her as she was. This new community has helped her grow in her walk with Christ and she hopes to continue growing in God with this community. She has found a specific calling to online ministry, mainly through Discord. Having experienced communities that judged her and her friends, she saw the need to create a safe space for all people, but especially women. She hopes to reach more people through these online communities, as well as in person.
Shelby recently got married to a Navy man. She is a business major and hopes to create a bookstore and coffee shop hybrid one day that offers a safe space for those in her community. She also has a dog, Astrid who often makes appearances during meetings!
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Shelby recently got married to a Navy man. She is a business major and hopes to create a bookstore and coffee shop hybrid one day that offers a safe space for those in her community. She also has a dog, Astrid who often makes appearances during meetings!
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Shelby Swartzel

Thomas grew up in a God-fearing household where his whole family is active in various ministries. He began attending Campus One80 meetings at Genesee Community College in the fall of 2023 and felt an instant connection. Since taking on a leadership position Thomas has loved seeing the club grow and the positive change in people's lives. When given the opportunity to join the Campus One80 staff as a student intern, he felt God’s calling to participate in a broader ministry where his work can reach as many people as possible. Thomas hopes to use his familiarity with video production and photography to help promote both individual campuses and the greater Campus One80 ministry as a whole.
Thomas is currently attending Genesee Community College where he is studying for an Associates Degree in Communications and Broadcasting.
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Thomas is currently attending Genesee Community College where he is studying for an Associates Degree in Communications and Broadcasting.
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Thomas Vannest